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Planned Fire Door Maintenance Package

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Do you know the new legal requirements for Fire Doors from January 2023?


As of the 23rd of January 2023 it will be a legal requirement for all multi occupied residential buildings over 11 meters in height to have quarterly checks done on all fire doors in common areas of a building. And annual checks on all flat entrance doors, that lead into common areas.

Responsible persons will also have to provide residents of all multi-occupied residential buildings information on the importance of Fire Doors to a building’s fire safety.


We understand this will be a huge undertaking for those responsible persons. But R2R, as a third-party certified Fire Door company, are here to help.

We are putting together a brand-new Planned Fire Door Maintenance Schedule package to help our clients. This Planned Maintenance Schedule will take away your need to worry about scheduling all these checks and surveys in throughout the year, as we will do it for you.

We will have your building scheduled in four times a year for communal door checks, and once annually for flat front doors. We will inform you in advance when we will be attending so you can advise the residents that we will be onsite. We will then provide you with a full and detailed report of our findings each visit. We have received lots of positive feedback on the level of detail, accuracy, and professionalism of our new Fire Door Survey reports. You will receive one of these every visit. This will ensure you have a clear Golden Thread of Information for each individual Fire Door.

After we have sent this report to you, we will provide you with a quote to carry out any necessary repairs needed to ensure each door stays in line with regulations. We will then carry out the works needed to each door needing attention within two weeks of our report being sent to you.

As well as this, we will also provide you with two pieces of informative literature for you each year to forward onto the residents of the building highlighting the importance of Fire Door’s, and how they save lives.


If you would be interested in learning more about our new Fire Door Maintenance package, or to see an example of our Fire Door reports to see the type of information you will receive, then please email us at and we will put your name on our list to be one of the first to receive the full details when they are released later this month.


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