R2R provide professional External Wall Surveys and Cladding Inspections across London and the surrounding counties. We are proud to work with surveyors, fire safety officers and cladding specialists to carry out external wall systems and cladding inspections for all types of medium and high rise residential and commercial properties.
We use our extensive knowledge of carrying out high rise works to carry out Invasive Cladding inspections with specialists to determine fire safety capabilities and compliance. We remove sections of an external wall or cladding to expose it for surveying and inspection, to ascertain and understand precisely the construction detail, cladding materials used, fire cavity barriers and insulation installed. We then replace the sections of the wall and leave the building not only water tight but looking as though no work has been carried out.
Ever since the Grenfell Tower fire incident in 2017 and the issue of the Hackitt Report (Building a Safer Future), the safety of high rise buildings, particularly residential, has come under increasing scrutiny and required external wall surveys (EWS). We understand that this is a huge undertaking for lots of Property Managers and Property Management companies and a great concern for residents. R2R are here to help and provide you with information on how we could help you with carrying out these vital works at your properties to ensure they are up to standards and keeping residents safe.
Contact us for further information or make a booking for an External Wall survey or Cladding inspection.

We provide large truck mounted cherry pickers that are designed to access small areas, with a long reach to be able to safely access all areas, and with a large working platform for our teams to work.
Our banksman is part of our safe system of work to establish an ‘exclusion zone’ around our working area. This ensures pedestrians and passers-by are safe and safeguarded against any possible falling materials/debris from the working area.
On completion of removing the samples from the selected areas, all brickwork is reinstated with new mortar, and timber reinstated. Render and cladding is also reinstated to ensure the building remains watertight.
We contact the local authorities to arrange the necessary permits for placing mechanical plant on the public highway, which is covered by our £10 million Public Liability Insurance and proof of competence (IPAF cards).
As directed by professionals, we open up agreed areas of the external wall or cladding, by removing brickwork, render or cladding panels, for examination. As instructed to, we remove samples for closer inspection.